
Posts uit juni, 2019 tonen

ME SBG - Heroic Tiers - [Rules #6]

Hello everybody! In this post I will explain what Heroic Tiers are en which Heroic Tiers there are. Heroic Tiers Some models in ME SBG are ""Heroes". Some heroes are greater then others. To define how good a hero is, there are Heroic Tiers. In total there are 5 Heroic Tiers. How higher a models Heroic Tier is, how more normal models it can lead in it's  so called "Warband". A warband is a group of models, commanded by a Hero. The Heroic Tiers are: Tier 1 - Heroes of Legend The Heroes of Legend are the finest Lords and Kings in all of Middle-earth. A Hero of Legend can command up to 18 models in it's warband! Tier 2 - Heroes of Valour The Heroes of Valour are not as great as the Heroes of Legend, but still very great. A Hero of Valour can command up to 15 models in it's warband! Tier 3 - Heroes of Fortitude These Heroes are not as special as Tier 1 or Tier 2 heroes. Most of the time Heroes of Fortitude are just captians or similar. But

ME SBG - Basic Principles - [Rules #5]

Hey everybody! In this post I will explain all Basic Principles of ME SBG. Lets start! Good vs Evil All the models in ME SBG are either Good, either Evil. In a game of ME SBG, you will command either the forces of Good, or the forces of Evil. There must always be at least one player at each side. If you play larger games you can divide the Good and the Evil forces in different teams commanded by different players, that work together as either the forces of Good, or the forces of Evil. Turns ME SBG is, like many other games, divided in turns. Every turn players can move, shoot, fight and anything else they are able to do with their models. You can play a certain amount of turns, and then after all the turns, you determine who won the game. You can also play until all the models except the winners models are dead. There are a lot more different ways to play the game. D6, D3, 2D6.... Sometimes you will find abbreviations in for example the rule manual which are used to explain w

ME SBG - Profiles - [Rules #4]

Hello everybody! In this post I am gonna explain everything you need to know about the profile of a model. This is an example of a profile: As you can see, there is a picture in the upper-left corner so you can see how the model looks like. Next to the picture you can see it's name. In this example the name of the model is "Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys". Every model has it own point value. This model has a point value of 80, which you can see in the upper-right corner. You use this value, if you want to play a game and want to make 2 armies, and you want that the Good army is as strong as the Evil army. How better the model is, how higher it's point value is. Underneath the name of the model, you can see a list of keywords that are associated with the profile. The keywords of this model are Man, Gondor, Infantry, Hero. That means that this model is a Man, from a place named Gondor, and like this you can kind of learn who the model actually

ME SBG - The Phases - [Rules #3]

Hey everybody! In this post, I am gonna explain which phases there are every turn, and what you need to do every phase. There are 5 Phases:  - Priority Phase  - Move Phase  - Shoot Phase  - Fight Phase  - End Phase Every round you do all 5 phases, starting with the first phase, the Priority Phase. In this phase, both players roll a die to find out who can begin at every phase that round. For example, if player 1 rolls a 4, and player 2 rolls a 5, player 2 has priority. Now he starts every phase. In the Move Phase, he can move first, in the Shoot Phase he can shoot first, etcetera. If both / all players roll the same number, the person who did not have priority last round, gets priority now. If this happens in the first round, and there where no rounds before this one, you both roll again. Once the Priority Phase is done, and the one with priority is chosen, you now start the next phase, the Move Phase. Of course, the player with priority starts with moving it's models

ME SBG - What you need to play a game of ME SBG - [Rules #2]

Hey everybody! Here is a list of the things you need to play a game of ME SBG: 1: A space to play. This can be at your table, at the ground, or even at a disigned game board with houses and castles. The more effort you put into making the board and the scenary on the board, the better your playing experience will be. The amount of space you need to play can vary from really small boards, to really big boards, sometimes bigger than 4x4 meters! 2: A lot of dices. If you want to attack somebody, jump over a river, climb a wall or a lot of other things, you will have to roll some dices. Normally I use around 20 dices when I am playing a game. 3: A measurer. You use this for example to measure how much you can walk, or how far a bow can shoot. 4: Models to play with. Most of the time you need models of Good, like the fellowship, and some models of Evil, like orcs. 5: The rules. ME SBG has a lot of rules. In order to know all the rules, you have to read a few big books with a

ME SBG - The Introduction - [Rules #1]

Hello and welcome to my blog! In this post I am gonna tell you what ME SBG (Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game) actually is. I will introduce you to the basics, of ME SBG! Lets start! ME SBG is a wargaming game, based on the stories of Tolkien; Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. They are both a trilogy, about a world, called "Middle Earth". ME SBG exists of 3 parts;  - Collecting the models  - Building and painting the models / the scenary  - Playing the game with the models Personally I do all 3 of them, but some people only collect and paint the models, just because they like to collect things. And some people just play the game, and buy all their models pre-painted, or let other people paint them. There is special paint for ME SBG, made by the company CITADEL. I own 2 CITADEL paint racks filled with little CITADEL paint pots, in a lot of different colors. I also have some paint brushes. In order to paint such small models, you need to have very small paint bru

First Post - [About this blog #1]

Hello Everybody! Welcome to my first post on this new blog, called "Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game". This blog is all about Warhammer; Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game (me sbg). On this blog I post information on how to play the game, the rules, some scenario's, some game-play and much more! Stay tuned!