ME SBG - Profiles - [Rules #4]
Hello everybody!
In this post I am gonna explain everything you need to know about the profile of a model.
This is an example of a profile:

As you can see, there is a picture in the upper-left corner so you can see how the model looks like. Next to the picture you can see it's name. In this example the name of the model is "Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys".
Every model has it own point value. This model has a point value of 80, which you can see in the upper-right corner. You use this value, if you want to play a game and want to make 2 armies, and you want that the Good army is as strong as the Evil army. How better the model is, how higher it's point value is.
Underneath the name of the model, you can see a list of keywords that are associated with the profile. The keywords of this model are Man, Gondor, Infantry, Hero. That means that this model is a Man, from a place named Gondor, and like this you can kind of learn who the model actually is.
Next to the keywords, there is a " - " symbol, and next to that comes the model's Heroic Tier. In this case it is Hero of Valour. Only models with the "Hero" keyword will have a Heroic Tier. There are five different Heroic Tiers. The higher your Heroic Tier, the better you are.
The five Heroic Tiers are:
- Tier 1, Heroes of Legend
- Tier 2, Heroes of Valour
- Tier 3, Heroes of Fortitude
- Tier 4, Minor Heroes
- Tier 5, Independent Heroes
More information about Heroic Tiers will follow in upcoming posts.
Underneath the picture of the model there is a box filled with text. This mostly is filled with extra information or experimental rules. Most of the time it's not very important.
Underneath the keywords and the Heroic Tiers you will find a lot of important information. There are 10 value's there next to each other:
- Mv - Move
- F - Fight
- S - Strength
- D - Defence
- A - Attack
- W - Wounds
- C - Courage
- [M] - Might
- [W] - Will
- [F] - Fate
You will only find the last three, Might, Will and Fate at hero profiles.
The Mv (Move) value stands for the ammount of inches the model can move in one round.
The F (Fight) value can be divided in two parts, with a "/" between them. If it is only one number, it is the Fight value of the model. The higher this value, the better the model is when it comes to fighting. Once 2 models in a battle roll the same number with a die, the model with the highest Fight value wins. If the Fight value is divided in two parts, the first part is the Fight value, and the second part is the Shooting value. Only models with a bow or something else to shoot / throw with have this value. This value stands for the number a model has to roll with a die to decide if it hit it's target.
For example:
A model wants to shoot at another model. The model has a shooting value of 4+. The model rolls a 3, meaning he misses his target.
The S (Strenght) value stands for how strong the model is. When a model gets the oppertunity to hit another model, you look to the To Wound Chart. You fill in the strength of the attacking model and the defence of the defending model. Now you get a number, this is the number the model has to roll with a die in order to wound / kill the target. How higher this value, how easier it is to kill another model.
The D (Defence) value stands for how good the model is in defending. More about how it works is explained above at "S (strength)". The higher this value, the harder it is to kill this model.
The A (Attack) value stands for how many dices a single model can roll in a battle. For example:
2 Models of player 1 are attacking 1 modl of player 2. Player 1's models both have an attack value of 1, but player 2's model has an attack value of 3. This means that player 1 can only roll 2 dices, one for both of it's models, while player 2 can roll 3. The one that rolls the highest number wins, and when they both roll the same, the model with the highest F (Fight) value wins. Now you fill in the strenght of the attacking and the defence of the defending model in the To Wound Chart, and you get the number you have to roll to kill / wound the other model.
The W (Wounds) value stands for how many wounds a model has. Most models only have 1 wound, meaning that when they get attacked, lose the dice-rolling-duel, and then the attacker rolls enough to wound the target they instantly die. When the wound value is 2, a model has to be wounded twice in order to die.
The C (Courage) value stands for how brave a model is. Sometimes when for example al lot of models died in the battle, some remaining models may have to do a courage test, because if al your friends would die on the battlefield you may ratter want to flee. How higher the Courage value, how bigger the change that you models will succeed in the courage test.
The Might, Will and Fate values are a lot more complicated, so I will explain them in another posts. If you just want to play a few games for fun you don't really need these value's.
The other things that you will find in a profile are:
- Heroic Actions
- Options
- Special Rules
Heroic Actions are special actions that you can do if you spend one Might on it. More about might and heroic actions will follow in upcoming posts.
Options are the extra options you can equip your model with. This will make the point value of the model higher, so you can have less models in your army if you choose more extra options.
Special Rules are rules that only some models will have. There are a lot of special rules. I will explain them in upcoming posts.
Now you know everything you need to know about a models profile to play the game! There are books filled with all profiles of the models in ME SBG, you should consider buying them because it makes playing the game a lot easier! They are called: "The armies of Lord of the Rings" and "The armies of The Hobbit".
Stay tuned!
In this post I am gonna explain everything you need to know about the profile of a model.
This is an example of a profile:

As you can see, there is a picture in the upper-left corner so you can see how the model looks like. Next to the picture you can see it's name. In this example the name of the model is "Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys".
Every model has it own point value. This model has a point value of 80, which you can see in the upper-right corner. You use this value, if you want to play a game and want to make 2 armies, and you want that the Good army is as strong as the Evil army. How better the model is, how higher it's point value is.
Underneath the name of the model, you can see a list of keywords that are associated with the profile. The keywords of this model are Man, Gondor, Infantry, Hero. That means that this model is a Man, from a place named Gondor, and like this you can kind of learn who the model actually is.
Next to the keywords, there is a " - " symbol, and next to that comes the model's Heroic Tier. In this case it is Hero of Valour. Only models with the "Hero" keyword will have a Heroic Tier. There are five different Heroic Tiers. The higher your Heroic Tier, the better you are.
The five Heroic Tiers are:
- Tier 1, Heroes of Legend
- Tier 2, Heroes of Valour
- Tier 3, Heroes of Fortitude
- Tier 4, Minor Heroes
- Tier 5, Independent Heroes
More information about Heroic Tiers will follow in upcoming posts.
Underneath the picture of the model there is a box filled with text. This mostly is filled with extra information or experimental rules. Most of the time it's not very important.
Underneath the keywords and the Heroic Tiers you will find a lot of important information. There are 10 value's there next to each other:
- Mv - Move
- F - Fight
- S - Strength
- D - Defence
- A - Attack
- W - Wounds
- C - Courage
- [M] - Might
- [W] - Will
- [F] - Fate
You will only find the last three, Might, Will and Fate at hero profiles.
The Mv (Move) value stands for the ammount of inches the model can move in one round.
The F (Fight) value can be divided in two parts, with a "/" between them. If it is only one number, it is the Fight value of the model. The higher this value, the better the model is when it comes to fighting. Once 2 models in a battle roll the same number with a die, the model with the highest Fight value wins. If the Fight value is divided in two parts, the first part is the Fight value, and the second part is the Shooting value. Only models with a bow or something else to shoot / throw with have this value. This value stands for the number a model has to roll with a die to decide if it hit it's target.
For example:
A model wants to shoot at another model. The model has a shooting value of 4+. The model rolls a 3, meaning he misses his target.
The S (Strenght) value stands for how strong the model is. When a model gets the oppertunity to hit another model, you look to the To Wound Chart. You fill in the strength of the attacking model and the defence of the defending model. Now you get a number, this is the number the model has to roll with a die in order to wound / kill the target. How higher this value, how easier it is to kill another model.
The D (Defence) value stands for how good the model is in defending. More about how it works is explained above at "S (strength)". The higher this value, the harder it is to kill this model.
The A (Attack) value stands for how many dices a single model can roll in a battle. For example:
2 Models of player 1 are attacking 1 modl of player 2. Player 1's models both have an attack value of 1, but player 2's model has an attack value of 3. This means that player 1 can only roll 2 dices, one for both of it's models, while player 2 can roll 3. The one that rolls the highest number wins, and when they both roll the same, the model with the highest F (Fight) value wins. Now you fill in the strenght of the attacking and the defence of the defending model in the To Wound Chart, and you get the number you have to roll to kill / wound the other model.
The W (Wounds) value stands for how many wounds a model has. Most models only have 1 wound, meaning that when they get attacked, lose the dice-rolling-duel, and then the attacker rolls enough to wound the target they instantly die. When the wound value is 2, a model has to be wounded twice in order to die.
The C (Courage) value stands for how brave a model is. Sometimes when for example al lot of models died in the battle, some remaining models may have to do a courage test, because if al your friends would die on the battlefield you may ratter want to flee. How higher the Courage value, how bigger the change that you models will succeed in the courage test.
The Might, Will and Fate values are a lot more complicated, so I will explain them in another posts. If you just want to play a few games for fun you don't really need these value's.
The other things that you will find in a profile are:
- Heroic Actions
- Options
- Special Rules
Heroic Actions are special actions that you can do if you spend one Might on it. More about might and heroic actions will follow in upcoming posts.
Options are the extra options you can equip your model with. This will make the point value of the model higher, so you can have less models in your army if you choose more extra options.
Special Rules are rules that only some models will have. There are a lot of special rules. I will explain them in upcoming posts.
Now you know everything you need to know about a models profile to play the game! There are books filled with all profiles of the models in ME SBG, you should consider buying them because it makes playing the game a lot easier! They are called: "The armies of Lord of the Rings" and "The armies of The Hobbit".
Stay tuned!
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