ME SBG - Heroic Tiers - [Rules #6]

Hello everybody!
In this post I will explain what Heroic Tiers are en which Heroic Tiers there are.

Heroic Tiers
Some models in ME SBG are ""Heroes". Some heroes are greater then others. To define how good a hero is, there are Heroic Tiers. In total there are 5 Heroic Tiers. How higher a models Heroic Tier is, how more normal models it can lead in it's  so called "Warband". A warband is a group of models, commanded by a Hero.

The Heroic Tiers are:

Tier 1 - Heroes of Legend
The Heroes of Legend are the finest Lords and Kings in all of Middle-earth. A Hero of Legend can command up to 18 models in it's warband!

Tier 2 - Heroes of Valour
The Heroes of Valour are not as great as the Heroes of Legend, but still very great. A Hero of Valour can command up to 15 models in it's warband!

Tier 3 - Heroes of Fortitude
These Heroes are not as special as Tier 1 or Tier 2 heroes. Most of the time Heroes of Fortitude are just captians or similar. But they can still command up to 12 models in their warbands.

Tier 4 - Minor Heroes
These Heroes are even less great then the Heroes of Fortitude. A Minor Hero can commend up to just 6 models in it's warband.

Tier 5 - Independent Heroes
These Heroes are the least great heroes that exist. They are not capable of commanding any model.

And that were all the Heroic Tiers.

Stay tuned!


  1. Thanks for the information! It helped me a lot to create my army.

    1. Hello! Thanks for your comment! I'm really happy I could help you! If you have any questions please let me know! :P


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