ME SBG - The Introduction - [Rules #1]

Hello and welcome to my blog!
In this post I am gonna tell you what ME SBG (Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game) actually is. I will introduce you to the basics, of ME SBG!

Lets start!

ME SBG is a wargaming game, based on the stories of Tolkien; Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. They are both a trilogy, about a world, called "Middle Earth".

ME SBG exists of 3 parts;

 - Collecting the models
 - Building and painting the models / the scenary
 - Playing the game with the models

Personally I do all 3 of them, but some people only collect and paint the models, just because they like to collect things. And some people just play the game, and buy all their models pre-painted, or let other people paint them.

There is special paint for ME SBG, made by the company CITADEL. I own 2 CITADEL paint racks filled with little CITADEL paint pots, in a lot of different colors. I also have some paint brushes. In order to paint such small models, you need to have very small paint brushes. A few of my brushes are from CITADEL too.

The models of ME SBG are placed on small model bases, from 25 mm or larger. The models it self vary from around 2 cm to way larger. Some of the models are higher then 20 cm!

What I really like about ME SBG is building the scenary for on the game board. Sometimes I build mountains, sometimes walls or ruins. I really like to build miniature things and the idea that I can play a game with them later.

This was the introduction to ME SBG! If anything is unclear, just wait for the upcoming posts, you will understand anything after you read all my posts!

Stay tuned!


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