ME SBG - What you need to play a game of ME SBG - [Rules #2]

Hey everybody!
Here is a list of the things you need to play a game of ME SBG:

A space to play. This can be at your table, at the ground, or even at a disigned game board with houses and castles. The more effort you put into making the board and the scenary on the board, the better your playing experience will be. The amount of space you need to play can vary from really small boards, to really big boards, sometimes bigger than 4x4 meters!

A lot of dices. If you want to attack somebody, jump over a river, climb a wall or a lot of other things, you will have to roll some dices. Normally I use around 20 dices when I am playing a game.

A measurer. You use this for example to measure how much you can walk, or how far a bow can shoot.

Models to play with. Most of the time you need models of Good, like the fellowship, and some models of Evil, like orcs.

The rules. ME SBG has a lot of rules. In order to know all the rules, you have to read a few big books with all the rules. So it can be really helpful to have the rulebooks with you if your gonna play ME SBG.

Tokens and markers. There are special push-out cardboard tokens and markers for ME SBG. You use them for example to mark how much lives / wounds a model has.

Now you now what you need in order to play a game of ME SBG!

Stay Tuned for more posts on this Blog!


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