ME SBG - The Watcher in the Water Explained! - [Profiles Explained #1]

Hello Everybody!

In this post I am going to explain the rules of the Watcher in the Water. I am also going to give some advice about how you should use this model if you are playing with it in a battle. Let's start!

The Watcher in the Water is an Independent Hero. This means that is does not need a captain / hero to be able to figth in the battle, because it is a hero itself, but it also means that the Watcher in the Water does not have the ability to command any models in its warband.

The Watcher in the Water can move a total of 4 inches every round. It has a Fight Value of 6 and a Shooting value of 3+. It has a Strength and Defense value of 6, and it has 6 Wounds and 6 Attacks. It has a Courage value of 3. The Watcher in the Water has 1 Might, 5 Will and 1 Fate.

The only heroic actions that the Watcher in the Water can perform is Heroic Strength.

The Watcher in the Water has 3 normal special rules: Harbinger of Evil, Resistant to Magic and Terror, and it has 5 other rules that are specifically for the Watcher in the Water: From the Deep, Many Tentacles, Tentacles, Water Dweller, Dragged to the Depths.

Harbinger of Evil:
An enemy model within 12 inch of this model suffers a -1 penalty to its Courage value. Note that this is not cumulative with other similair penalties, such as thos provided by for example Goblin Drums or other special rules.

Resistant to Magic
If this model is targeted by a Magical Power, it may use an additional "free" dice when it makes a Resist Test, even if it has no Will remaining or decides not to use any Will points from its store.

If a model charges this model it must take a Courage test before it moves. If the test is passed, the model may charge as normal. If the test is failed, the model does not charge and may not move at all this turn.

From the Deep
At the start of the battle, when you deploy your forces, do not deploy the Watcher in the Water yet. Instead, after eachPriority phase, announce if you would like the Watcher in the Water to arrive. If you want to place it on the board, roll a die. On a 3+ the Watcher in the Water is ready to enter. If you roll a number lower then 3, you must try again after every Priority phase untill you roll a 3+.
When the Watcher in the Water is ready to enter the board, you can place it anywhere you want on the battlefield, even on top of other models! Move all those models the minimum distance untill they are 1 inch away from the Watcher in the Water.

Many Tentacles
When the Watcher in the Water's Wounds are reduced to 3 or less, its Attacks are also reduced to 3.

In the Shoot phase, the Watcher in the Water can make a shooting attack (Its Shooting value is 3+ so its controlling player first has to roll a 3+). These have a range of 6 inches and a Strength of 3. These also never require In The Way rolls. Any model hit by a tentacle but not slain is immidiately dragged into base contact with the Watcher in the Water by the shortest route possible, even over the heads of other models.

Water Dweller
The Watcher in the Water is never slowed when entering a water feature. In fact, whilst within one, its Move value is doubled to 8 inches, and it always counts as having rolled a 6 on the Swim chart. If the Watcher in the Water charges a model whilst within a water feature, it gains the Monstrous Charge special rule.

Dragged to the Depths
If the Watcher in the Water is within a water feature it can, instead of striking normally, select a singe man-sized or smaller model involved in the same figth, and then roll a die. On a 3+ the chosen model suffers a Wound (it can be saved by Fate). If the wound is not saved, the model is immediately slain. The Watcher in the Water then leaves the board (as if it went underwater) and may enter again later. From now on, the controlling player has to roll a die after every Priority phase, and on a 3+ the Watcher in the Water enters the battlefield again, in the same way as it did at the start of the game.

These were all the special rules of the Watcher in the Water. Here are some tips and tricks for if you want to use the Watcher in the
Water in a battle:

The Move value of the Watcher in the Water is very low. If you place the Watcher in the Water on the battlefield, you must place it in a good spot, because almost all models can move faster and run away. If you don't place your Watcher in the Water carefully, it might happen that all enemy models run away and you are left behind, only moving a little bit every round while the enemy models are slaying all your leftover models (almost happened to me once :P)

If your enemy splits his troops into groups, you can strategically place your Watcher in the Water close to one of the small groups, then kill them and leave the board again with no wounds lost using the Dragged into the Depths special rule. If your fighting against a small group of warriors you will almost always win, because the Watcher in the Water has 6 Attacks and a high Fight value. Ofcourse this tactic only works on a board with a lot of water features

The Tentacles special rule is really strong, so make sure to use this as often as possible, because if the enemy model can't save the wound with fate, it is immediatelly slain, however much wounds it still had left. This means that you can instantly kill models with a lot of wounds, just by hitting them once!

And that was it for this post, I hope you learned something,
As always, Stay Tuned!


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