ME SBG - 3 Mordor Armies! 546 points, 1280 points and 350 points! [Army Lists #3]

Hi everybody! 

My friend made 3 Army Lists for this blog with Mordor armies that are very strong!

Here they are: 

Army [#1]: Gothmogs Army (546 points)

  • Gothmog with shield and Warg (145 points) 
  • 5 Orc Trackers on Warg (60 points)
  • 5 Morannon Orcs with hand weapons and shields (40 points)
  • 5 Morannon Orcs with spears and shields (45 points)

  •  Mordor Troll Chieftain (140 points) 
  • 4 Orc Trackers on Warg (48 points)
  • 4 Morannon Orcs with hand weapons and shields (32 points)
  • 4 Morannon Orcs with spears and shields (36 points)

Note: If you want to reduce the total amount of points of this army, you can remove the Mordor Troll Chieftain and his warriors, or you could use Mordor Orcs instead of Morannon Orcs and Orc Trackers. 

Army [#2]: The Nine (1280 points) 

  • The Witch-King of Angmar with 3 Might, 15 Will, 3 Fate, Morgul Crown and Armoured Fell Beast (220 points) 
  • Khamûl the Easterling with amoured horse (135 points) 
  • The Dark Marshal with armoured horse (135 points) 
  • The Shadow Lord with horse (130 points) 
  • The Undying with horse (130 points) 
  • The Knight of Umbar with horse (130 points) 
  • The Betrayer with horse (130 points) 
  • The Tainted with armoured  horse (135 points) 
  • The Dwimmerlaik with armoured horse (135 points) 

Note: If your enemy has no / only a few strength 4 troops or higher, I recommend a Fell beast for the Witch-King instead of an armoured Fell Beast. 

Army [#3]: The Men of Mordor (350 points)

  • The Mouth of Sauron on armoured horse (85 points) 
  • 9 Morgul Knights (162 points)
  • 1 Morgul Knight with banner (43 points)
  • 5 Orc Trackers on Warg (60 points)

Note: If you want less points, you can use a Black Númenorean Marshal instead of the Mouth of Sauron. But if you choose a Black Númenorean Marshal, you only can lead 12 warriors instead of 15. 

That's it for this post!

Stay Tuned!


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