ME SBG - More About The Movement Phase - [Rules #7]

Hi everybody!

In my post "The Phases [Rules #3]" I already explained all Phases. But there are some extra rules for the Movement Phase that I will explain in this post.

In a game, a lot of times you will have to move the model around a piece of terrain.

"Unable to move"
Sometimes a model does not have the ability to move for the particular turn. There are for example some Magical Powers, that make the model "Unable to move" for a certain number of turns.

Every model has it's so called "control zone". This control zone is 1 inch to all sides, so it forms a big circle around the model. If you are moving a model, you can not enter the control zone of the enemy, without atacking him (making base contact). There are some situations where a model is forced in to a enemy's control zone, for example, when a player wins the duel roll, the losing model has to move back one inch, and then the winning model can roll a die to find out if he actually kills the losing model or not. If this is the case, it is allowed to move the model in the control zone of the enemy, because he is forced to.

If a model starts the movement phase within the enemy's control zone, it has 3 options.
1: Stay where it was and don't move this turn.
2: Charge the enemy's model (by making base contact)
3: Move away from the enemy. In this case, the model should always stay inside the enemy's control zone, and it can not move closer to the enemy, which means he can only move a little, away from the enemy, staying in it's control zone.

If you want to charge a model, and you move at it, but on the way you enter another models control zone, you have to charge that model, instead of keep walking and charging another model.

Difficult Terrain:
If a piece of terrain is harder to move through, but not impossible, such as very high grass or a lot of loose rocks, it is called "Difficult Terrain". All models wanting to walk thru a piece of difficult terrain will have a "Movement Penalty". This means they can only walk half their maximum movement, while in Difficult Terrain.

Thats it for this post! Hope you learned something!
Stay Tuned!


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